19 September 2010

Prayer: If I should...

If I should be destined to be single all my life, I ask that you give me the strength to be a man of virtue and integrity. I ask that I can remain abstinent and not engage in sexual pursuits with others or myself. I ask that I can still provide hope, faith, and love to those that still seek to have someone in their life, and to be a source of encouragement to them always. I ask that my life is dedicated to you in holy service, and that I may be a beacon of light to those around me.

Yet, if I should be destined to be partnered, then I pray that we both be strong men of virtue and integrity. I ask that we seek you in our lives, regardless of our faith or religion. I ask that we can respect each other. I ask that he is protected and guarded from harm. I pray that we will be able to speak to each other in both good and bad times. I pray that we're trusting of each other if distance keeps us apart. I pray that we are first and foremost your servants, and that we can always serve a greater purpose for you.

I pray that this, my third and final incarnation of love, is given wholly and rightly to him:
My Beloved
My Love
My Husband
My One and Only
My Dear
My Friend
My Lover

Keep me sexually pure so that he can have all my heart, body, soul, and spirit. Yet, if either of us should give to temptation, then allow us to forgive one another, and that we can still be together. Let him know I love him, and that I wait for him. Let him know he already has my heart, and that I am his.

I pray this and more, with my spirit speaking the words I cannot say.


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